Log Splitters

DR 3-Point Hitch Log Splitter 22-Ton
22-Ton, Horizontal/Vertical
Tractor Owners! Get the convenience of Horizontal/Vertical splitting (converts in seconds) while you harness your tractor's power with our 3-Point Hitch model. Up to 22 tons of splitting force (tractor dependent).

DR 3-Point Hitch Log Splitter 34-Ton
34-Ton, Horizontal/Vertical
Tractor Owners! Get the convenience of Horizontal/Vertical splitting (converts in seconds) while you harness your tractor's power with our 3-Point Hitch model. Up to 34 tons of splitting force (tractor dependent).

Log Hitch
Clean and easy log skidding
Skid logs with minimal ground damage! The Log Hitch's high-carry design means your logs stay cleaner and your woodlot sustains minimal damage.