Power Graders

DR Power Grader EZ-Dial
48" Model with EZ-Dial
This new model grades a full 48" wide, but utilizes a new compact design for those who have limited storage space. Best of all, now you can enjoy all the benefits of DR Power Grading at a new low price!

DR Power Grader 48" PRO
48" PRO Model with Powered Remote
The 48" PRO with Powered Remote adds the convenience of push-button adjustment of grading depth while you grade. Operable from your tow vehicle, you can raise and lower the 12 grading teeth while you drive.

DR Power Grader 60"
60" PRO Model with Powered Remote
Our widest and fastest Power Grader! The remote control, operable from your tow vehicle, lets you raise and lower the 14 grading teeth while you drive. Start high, and lower the tines a bit with each pass.